Web Technology
September 18, 2019
Android App Development
1 Month
Note* All the topics will be covered with hands-On experience class
1. Introduction to the Android world
- Android Architecture
- Scope as an Android App Developer.
2. Understanding the Building Environment for Android
- Basic programming languages intro: Java and XML
- What is Front-End and Back-End environment
- Designing Front-end through XML
- Listener actions through JAVA
- Practicing various design Layouts
- UI handlings
3. Understanding Layouts
- What are Layouts and Widgets?
- Working with various layouts: Linear, Relative, Table, Frame
- Working with various Widgets: Text-View, Edit-Text, Buttons, Image-Views, and Scroll
View etc.
- Practicing Layout Nesting's on various Layouts
- What is Weight-sum and Gravity?
4. Getting familiar with Activity
- What are Activity and its Life-Cycle?
- Designing an Activity
- Practicing its Life-Cycle
- What is Manifest File
- Registering the Activity in Manifest File
- Setting up the Android Virtual Devices
- Testing your Hello World Application
5. Introduction to Intents
- What are Intents
- Types of Intents: Explicit and Implicit
- Starting another Activity using both types of Intents
- What is Bundle?
- Sending Data from one Activity to
- Building Camera application, fetching image using Intent
6. Understanding various Notifications
- What is Toast?
- What is Dialog and Alert-Dialog?
- What is action-bar Notification?
7. Menus and List Views
- Types of menus
- List views, grid views.
8. Cloud Integration
- Web services, JSON Parsing
- Real time working on APIs
- Working on Postman Software
9. Different Types of Activity
- Google maps
- Navigation drawers
- Tab views.
- Customized views
10. Developing Applications
- Splash Screen Application
- Camera Application
- Email Application
- Menu and Alert dialogues.
- Text-To-Speech Application
- Web services
- Interacting with API (Application Programming Interface)
- HTTP Client
- Certificate distribution